Pathankot City

8 crucial ‘measures’ to a healthy you!

healthy you

Here are 8 crucial numbers that can govern your health in the new year. Meet them, and you are fit as a fiddle

1) Blood pressure below 14090 mm hg

Blood pressure counts as high if it’s over 14090 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). The first number is your systolic pressure–the pressure when your heart is pumping blood. The second number measures your diastolic pressure, which is when your heart is between beats.

Levels from 120-13980-89 mm Hg can signal you’re in the borderline high BP range and may be at risk of impending heart trouble. When your pressure is high, there’s more resistance in your blood vessels. So your heart has to work harder with each pump to transport blood. Over time, this can stress the heart and leave you vulnerable to heart attack or stroke.
Set right: Blood pressure that is considerably high is best controlled with meds (generally thiazide diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or calcium channel blockers).Also, watch out your salt intake and exercise.

2) Blood sugar 70-100 mgdl (fasting)

Two tests can check for diabetes by measuring your blood sugar: fasting glucose and A1C. Fasting glucose looks at your blood sugar after not eating for at least eight hours, while the A1C test (this must be below 5.7 per cent) gives you a trend of your blood sugar levels over the past three months. Both tests are used, but there is a chance that the fasting glucose test can miss people whose blood sugar levels become problematic only after eating. High blood sugar damages your blood vessels over time, which can lead to increased risk of heart attack or stroke, affects kidney and eye.
Set right: Exercise and a healthy diet can help control your blood sugar, especially if you’re in the prediabetic range–100-125 mgdL on the fasting glucose test. Balance your workout routine with cardio and lifting and diet to reap its benefit.

3) Total cholesterol less than 200 mgdl

Cholesterol is a waxy substance in your cells that helps your body make hormones, Vitamin D, and bile acids for digestion. Your cholesterol number is made up of your levels for low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides. Too much cholesterol can raise your risk of heart disease. HDL (60 mgdL or over) is good cholesterol, because it exerts cardio protective effects by reducing plaque in your arteries. LDL cholesterol LDL (below 160 mg dL) is stickier than HDL molecules, which make them likely to build up in your blood vessels and cause blockage over time. This is the bad cholesterol.
Set right: A healthy diet, weight loss, exercise and green tea can help lower cholesterol levels.

4) Waist size less than 32” (women); 40” inches (men)

Wrap it around your abdomen just above your hip bone then relax, exhale, and measure your waist. You want the number to be below 32 inches if you are a woman, and below 40 inches if you are a man. If your waist size is going up, it means you’re accumulating abdominal fat, which is the worst kind of fat to have. It is worse because that visceral fat, which grows around your abdominal organs and underneath your abdominal wall, is hormonally different from the fat you can pinch on your arms and thighs. It is linked to heart disease and diabetes.
Set right: Add soluble fibre like oats or apples to a healthy diet, which is key to slowing down belly-fat progression as we grow older.

5) Exercise 150 minutes a week plus weight training

Exercise from your heart, for your heart. Men need 150 minutes of moderate exercise -brisk walking -and two sessions of total-body strength training each week. For a vigorous workout like running or jogging, you only need 75 minutes each week, plus the two sessions of strength training.
Set right: SET RIGHT: If you have high cholesterol, high BP, or suffer from heart disease, you might want to check with your doc before you take to a rigorous workout. Opt for a thrice-a-week intense yoga class. It is the best kind of full-body workout.

6) Triglycerides 150 mgdl or less

Triglycerides -a type of fat in your blood -are measured along with your cholesterol.High triglyceride levels contribute to plaque build up in your blood vessels, making them easier to clog. That puts you at risk of heart attack or stroke.
Set right: Added sugar in your meals, tea and coffee is the main culprit. Refined flour is another cause of the problem. Try and avoid it as far as you can.

7) Alcohol only two drinks a day

That’s what is considered moderate drinking for men –a mark that may actually be helpful for your heart. Too much drinking, on the other hand, can damage your body.

Folks who drink too much alcohol may begin to feel drop in energy, fatigue, trouble concentrating, a rise in blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and even weight gain due to the empty calories. In severe cases, they may begin to experience irreversible liver defect.
Set right: The first step is to be honest with yourself about how much you’re actually drinking. If you’re not counting the crushed beer cans in your room, or that hidden bottle of rum in your cupboard, it can be difficult to gauge your intake. For a week, jot down what you’re drinking.Then, gradually, try to cut back.

8) Sleep 8 hours

Men who averaged this amount each night logged the fewest number of sick days per year.That’s because skimping on shuteye can raise your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity-besides making you feel sapped of energy.
Set right: Cutting down on interruptions could help you catch more sleep. Make sure you stay away from gadgets at least an hour before hitting the sack.

Category: Health Tips


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