Pathankot City

Improvement Trust Office

Land Planning and Land Acquisition

Improvement Trust Office Contact Information Address Reviews


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Contact Us

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Address: Improvement Trust Road, Patel Chowk, Patel Nagar, Pathankot, Punjab 145001
Phone Number: +91-1862227214
Contact Person: n/a (Edit Listing)
Email ID: n/a (Edit Listing)
Products Services:
Pathankot Improvement Trust is the sole authority for land Planning and land Acquisition and is responsible for infrastructure such as roads. streetlights. drainage & sewerage systems and public utilities to meet the diverse needs of the citizens.
As per the Provisions of the act, Pathankot Improvement Trust is empowered to plan and execute various development schemes. An improvement scheme shall be one of the following types or may combine any two or more of such types, or any of the special features there of, that is to say,
a general improvement scheme
a re-building scheme
a re-housing scheme
a street scheme
a deferred street scheme
a development scheme
a housing accommodation scheme
a future expansion or improvement scheme
a drainage or drainage including sewage disposal scheme
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Category: Administration


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