Swimrunning, which started in Sweden, is sweeping the globe. Here are other ways to jog your way to health
There’s no such thing as an indoor swimrun. As a swimrun spans through forests, rivers and islands, one experiences extreme temperature changes. Swimrunners race in teams of two, and bring their own equipment, including wetsuits to keep them insulated. Swims range between 100 and 1,780 metres while runs are between 70 to 19,700 metres.
When the rest of the city settles in front of the television set, fitness enthusiasts put on their trainers and head out. The benefits of running after dark include sleeping better at night, completing multi-kilometre circuits up to a minute faster, better lung function by up to 6% and rhythmic running. If work emails are taking up your morning routine, night running might just be what the doctor ordered.
Crew runs are gaining popularity because participants can encourage, motivate, and challenge each other while forging friendships. It’s all about running together, having fun and celebrating each other’s achievements. From purely social runners right through to those training for half and full marathons, you will find every level of proficiency. Crew runs are free to join and members exchange progress reports on social media.
Jogging with the family is becoming a healthy way to reconnect and spend time together. To join the breed of family runners, put the baby in a jogging stroller. Get your teenager to be healthier and more prepared for his physical education sessions in school. Visit a park and reward yourselves with a nutritious picnic after completing a rewarding jog, or jog around the neighbourhood before going out for dinner and a movie together as a family .
Stair running is an urban phenomenon developed for rapid weight loss and butt toning. This type of jogging isn’t about using the stairmaster in the gym. Take a set of steps, whether they are zigzagging flights in your office building or the bleachers at a stadium.Because the body is constantly being lifted upward with each step, it engages more leg muscles than running and improves vertical jump. The best thing about this workout is that it’s free and can be done anywhere.
Think of it as Holi for fitness freaks. Colour run -also known as the happiest 5K on the planet -was founded in March 2011. The Colour Run is the original paint race and has created a completely new genre of running events that has more than tripled in size, hosting more than 300 events in 50+ countries last year. At the ongoing races this year, it’s all about shine with a Sparkle Zone and killer photo ops on course. The finish line has confetti cannons and shimmering clouds.
If you are a new parent who has just ushered in her bundle of joy and feel that your jogging routine will be compromised, pick up a jogging stroller from a mall. Stroller running has become a bonafide workout thanks to stroller races organised across the US.There are many techniques you can learn to get in running shape.The key difference in running with a jog stroller is the weight you’re pushing, which can be good for you.
Running and hiking over trails is becoming popular among nature lovers especially across Europe.Running on the road is about following the road, while trail running means you can decide your own way . Escaping into the woods or meadows gives you a nature experience that a road run often cannot.Trails take away a lot of stress from the impact that you would normally get running on harder surfaces.The lesser impact of running trails feels better than the pavement.
Simply put, sprinting is the act of running over a short distance at top speed.Quick intervals build speed, strength and efficiency . Full-on sprinting teaches your brain to recruit a full range of muscle fibres, including fasttwitch fibres that get neglected during typical long-distance training. When you speed up, your body automatically adjusts. You’ll push off more powerfully with each stride, and reduce up-and-down and side-to-side oscillation.
Wogging is a word being used in fitness circles to describe a combination of walking and jogging. Woggers are people who want to be runners, but may not yet have the muscular endurance to run. After you’ve warmed-up with a five minute walk, run for a short segment and then take a walk break.Beginners can alternate very short run segments with short walks, such as one minute running, seven minutes of walking.