Pathankot City

Exercises you can do while watching TV

Exercises you can do while watching TV

If going out to exercise is hard for you and you’re too lazy or too pressed for time to go out and jog, here’s a shortcut way – exercise at home while you watch TV.

Plank – Most channels these days have a time ticker on the side when they air advertisements. You can simply get into plank position when the ticker is at 30 seconds or 1 minute, whichever suits you and hold the position. Not only will you not miss any scene, you will also not have to look at your watch.

Skipping – This is the best exercise to do when you’re watching TV! Skipping requires you to focus in one place to maintain rhythm. What better than TV!

Crunches and sit ups – Ab exercises don’t need a lot of place and don’t even require a lot of equipment. So all you need is a mat and you’re all set to go.

Surya namaskar – Now although this needs to be done with utter concentration to extract the most out of this amazing exercise regimen, if you’re doing it solely as a physical activity do it before the television.

Dance – Put the music on loud and even if you have two left feet, simply moving your body in the closed confines of your own house will not even leave you embarrassed. Dancing while watching TV could be excellent cardio exercise apart from helping you polish your dancing skills!

Resistance bands and tubes – Again, one tiny equipment that doesn’t need a lot of space and can help tone your entire body. Simply get going on your biceps and triceps and before the song finishes your workout will be done!

Category: Health Tips


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