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10 Signs you need to change your workout regime

change your workout regime

Exercising daily, but see no results? 10 signs that you need to change your workout regime

Routines are good. They keep you disciplined. However, some times, a routine can backfire, and that is true when it comes to your workout. Doing the same moves for the same time and looking at the same four walls can have a negative effect on your fitness goals. If any of these situations sound familiar, it’s time to rejig your exercise plan.

You’re fed up

The word rep comes from repetition, doing the same routine in the same order repeatedly is bound to take the excitement out of the workout. Be sure that your regime includes plenty of variety: lifts, interval training, body weight exercises, anything that works to mix it up. Even taking your workout outdoors can up your enthusiasm. It will give you something more inspiring to look at other than the treadmill on the side or all the other sweaty guys in the weight room.

You’re constantly hurting yourself

If you’re doing the same moves without any variation, you risk overworking certain muscles and never giving them the chance to heal. Start diversifying your routine just enough so you work out muscles differently, or alternate body weight exercises that don’t rely on the same muscle groups the exact same way. Chronic muscle strains and sprains often stem from repetitive stress injuries.

Your joints pain

If your joints ache after you’ve left the gym, your workout might be totally fine but you’re probably not warming up the right way or skipping it entire ly. Start with five minutes of light cardio, like a jog, or do a body weight circuit of four basic moves, aiming for 10-15 reps each. A few minutes with a foam roller before and after your routine will also ensure proper blood flow for a warm-up.

Completely knackered

It is one thing for your workout to make you a little tired, but another to make you feel completely drained of energy. Feeling totally fatigued is a clue that you need to eat more, rest more, cut down on the alcohol, or slow down while working out. A workout doesn’t need to crush you each time to be effective. Slight body ache is fine, but if you feel as if your body is breaking, you need to watch out.

Seems like a job

If your routine feels like an awful task and you approach your sessions like a prisoner assigned to breaking stones, then it’s time to step back and figure out a way to make it feel more fun, or at least, turn it into more of a challenge.Instead of gymming six days a week, why not interject the workout with yoga or a swim twice a week.

Unable to find time

Maybe you’re putting in all your waking hours at the office. Or you just want to snuggle inside the blanket on a cold Mumbai morning. If external forces are preventing you from hitting the gym, it’s time to figure out a routine that works with your life right now -something you can do at home such as yoga or a shorter, more intense version of your current workout. Many people get stuck on the idea of an ideal workout, and if they can’t do everything they planned to do, they skip it.

Goals must evolve

When you first started working out, maybe the plan was to drop some extra kilos or improve your health condition. Now, you’re focused on building endurance to run the upcoming marathon.When your fitness goals change, your workout needs to change along with it, or you won’t get the results you’re seeking.

You’re not seeing results

When you first start a routine, you tend to score quick fitness gains.Yet, after a couple of months, you might find yourself hitting a plateau. Working out puts stress on the body, and in time, your body learns to adapt -so you don’t necessarily make progress. Small changes in your programme, such as changing the number of sets or upping your pace, can ensure results.

You work out on autopilot

The best fitness programme is one that puts you in the zone. When there’s no sense of challenge and you’re going motions through the without its,pushing your lim you might maintain your fit ness level, but you won’t improve any thing. Even if you look forward to your gym time, you need to be completely engaged to reap the benefits.

Losing strength

One often loses strength if heshe is not giving hisher muscles time to recover. If you’re overtraining a body part, you can end up getting weaker. It all comes down to how well you have planned your workout. Schedule a recovery day on the day before a heavy-lifting day.Holding a move for a longer period of time or cutting the seconds or minutes of rest periods between moves can keep your muscles and strength from regressing.

Category: Health Tips


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